September Nature Happenings in the Mid-Atlantic Region
- Bats are busy feeding, building fat for hibernation and migration.
- Wooly Caterpillars are out and about.
- September is an important migration month.
- Blackbird flocks can number in the thousands.
- Fall migration peaks for warblers and others.
- Peak of Blue-winged Teal migration.
- Ruby-crowned Kinglets appear.
- American Goldfinches visit flower beds with Coneflower, Black-eyed Susans and other seed-producing flowers. Visit Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy's fall Native Plant Sale to find out which native flowers you can add to your yard to bring even more birds. Fall Native Plant sale Sept. 7 at Morven Park in Leesburg, VA
- Most hummingbirds depart by the end of the month, but they are still visiting feeders as they journey south for winter.
- Robins are in large flocks, feeding on crab apples.
- Asters are still in bloom.
- Goldenrod and Ragweed are still in bloom. It’s not the Goldenrod that’s making you sneeze.